What does it mean to be College, Career and Community Ready?
The Huot Career and Technical Center, in collaboration with our industry partners and in alignment with NH DOE standards, created our CCRS grading system several years ago to provide students feedback on core employability skills. This new approach replaced ideas such as "classroom participation grading" and instead shifted our focus to student use of socially adaptive skills in the areas COMMUNICATION, COLLABORATION, CARE and CREATIVITY. We developed specific strategies and opportunities to teach and discuss these traits as they are behaviors that will lead to college and career success.
When the Laconia School District embarked on Portrait of a Graduate starting in 2018-2019, the Huot was well positioned to adopt the standards of POG into our operations. Our updated CCRS/POG rubric incorporates the traits of both documents as we reinforce these high value skills and attitudes. We continue to build opportunities for direct instruction on the core traits as well as embedded activities in our existing CTE content. Moving forward, CCRS and POG will be key measures of our student portfolio initiative current in the pilot year. The simple fact is, whether during mock interviews with employers, at our annual career or during internships; HTC students shine. They have been exposed to not only cutting edge skill training but a consistent culture that values, teaches and reinforces the soft-skills that will allow them to navigate the world or work or the complexities of a university setting. On this page you will find both our CCRS/POG grading rubric and a poster explaining the Laconia POG attributes. These traits match very closely with POG work in our sending high schools. |
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